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Elections: How Should We Encourage and Safeguard Voting?

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Empire Room, 3-209
11:45 am - 01:00 pm

Dialogues are opportunities for collaborative thinking about complex issues, attendees drive the conversation in small groups facilitated by trained moderators. Dialogues are unlike panel discussions or debates. The objective of a dialogue is to be participatory, egalitarian, and non-adversarial. These events are free and open to the public but advance registration is required.

Elections: How Should We Encourage and Safeguard Voting?
October 23rd, 11:45am to 1pm, Empire Room
Register Online
In recent years, there has been increased concern about our elections. People worry about election interference, election integrity, and restrictions on access to voting. How can we ensure safe and inclusive voting in the U.S.? Join us as we deliberate over options that emphasize improving voter turnout, securing elections, and making voting fairer and more all-embracing.

CONTACT: Scanlon, Joseph (
SPONSOR: The Democracy Commitment at MCC, Global Education and International Services, Department of Anthropology, History, Political Science, and Sociology, and the PEACE Committee.